Monday, June 2, 2014

One Project At A Time!

I make a living with what I can do. It does not make much, but it is fueled with passion. little things that keep me busy, smoking meat, writing articles and publishing Tops + More, or writing in this blog to keep me from going nuts. I am a doer, practical and whenever needed to build I am that person. Stubborn too and many can attest to that, but if I am ever grateful, it is the very fact, that my office, my work is anywhere, hence the freedom to pick a spot on an island paradise. Go figure, you are what you make of it!


The word itself means a lot if used to share emotion. I write this for what I believe is what I am getting (unconditional) love from my wife. You see, I feel I have failed in many attempts to find success. Reality is I put forward material over emotion over the years. My failure is not that I don't love enough, but the lack of my support over the years making me feel this way. I have lost financial footing, broke sweat and tears only to see my returns were slower than the cost of doing business. In the process, I forgot who stood by me most when I crashed. It was my wife who was always there.

It is unconditional love when she says, "we will sacrifice for you to go back to school and get your degree." Her words exactly and now I am afraid, not afraid to face the classroom, but afraid to fail as its been over 20 years since setting foot in a classroom and being taught by an instructor.

Deep breaths, feeling woozy at times, but I know she meant well with her support for me. She wants me to succeed and said, "at least then, I will not be passed over because of lack of intelligence and a document supporting that intelligence." She is right!

It is unconditional love to know that she will carry the family when I don't make ends meet to fulfill my education. She holds a masters and is pursuing her doctorate. I am just starting off for my BA this August 11, 2014, and 4 years from now with about 160 plus credits, I hope to walk the aisle with my head up high and looking for that beauty that has unconditional love, courage and patience to put me back in school.

Boni, I love you unconditionally!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Has it been that long?

Where do I start? Where did I leave off my last post?  Well I guess we can begin where I feel I jumped off the blogspot bandwagon. 

I guess to take the many months past, the significant change is a sour one to add. Sour in that one of businesses suffered and hemorrhaged while the other (smaller income) is stuttering to keep both businesses afloat. 

I put in anywhere from 10-18 hour days now and I find myself exhausted and aging faster than I can count my days, hours, minutes!

Times are changing.  In my own sentiment I wish time stood still.  And if it did where would I have stopped it-to relive it. That'll be another post someday.

Going back anf redirecting my brain to why I started writing this post. Its hard to be self employed.  Any issues with the businesses it is my responsibility to find a solution.  But truly it's tiring me out.

What does the future hold for the many islanders?  Are we plagued with a disease that haunts us, the economy?  While tourism is up it's rather unfortunate that businesses who reap the benefits are monopolized.

Dang I'm jumping in a variety of thought.  I am exhausted and will come back to writing this post to its entirety.

$7M Shortfall - TP Administration Facing Cuts

Its not rocket-science to know that a government looms with a budget shortfall. It happens with every administration and the Torres-Palaci...