Monday, October 26, 2009

8 is a lucky number, yes?

The eight (8) come together this past weekend. Boni and I shared a wonderful weekend as it played out a little hectic, but in the end, rewarding as new lessons were taught, feeling and emotions were let out to show how love was in the air at our family home in Papago, Saipan.

Our oldest, Tony, with his drivers license was able to go out on Friday to the movies, he saw the movie "SAW VI", I am envious I love the SAW movies... The rest stayed at home, relaxed knowing full well that we will have activities set up over Saturday and Sunday. A few days we have them all, this is the first picture of everyone together... They are all growing so fast, one day Boni and I will sit back and say to ourselves that we have accomplished so much for our deserving children and one day I look forward to everyone coming back to visit expressing their joy and happiness of a love that they share altogether that was instilled by both Boni and I.

The day continues as food, drinks, deserts and games entertained everyone at Mikaela's 1st birthday party held at the Giovanni's Hyatt Regency Saipan. Boni and I are her godparents, and low and behold I was asked to show exactly how low I can go... Without my girls, Peyton and Wayannie, I probably would not have gone that far throughout the limbo competition. In the end, we got second place, team work paid off.

Yup, it paid off alright, the payoff came with a soar back and thighs... Ooops, has it been that long since my last workout?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Set Your Examples...

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander” is an American Proverb used over and over again in topics of sexuality, sauces, and in general lament terms of society. My use of this quote is on the basis of society.

Year after year our Commonwealth has faced many challenges, all of which require tough decisions to make and whether they are the right ones or the wrong ones, we must all remember we are a young nation learning to crawl before we can walk. Some may disagree in what I am about to say, but in my personal views, I address only what I believe to have seen and experienced.


I would like to start of my comment on the very fact that the Commonwealth Development Authority (CDA) is working on the development of a business incubator, personally it’s about time! Isn’t this what the agency is spearheading, encouraging small business development? How far will this go? A set up of the incubator is a great move, but you must also remember that many people in the Commonwealth who may have a desire to establish a small business cannot fork up the necessary 20% requirement for funding, will there be a plan to stimulate this? I for one believe that it is the middle class men and women who make up the economy of any nation. It is solely on the basis that they are the hard-working individuals who look forward to the American Dream, but then again, dreams are complacent, and in most cases, what is already at hand is enough.

With CDA in this movement, I congratulate the positive reconfiguration of the defunct Pacific Gardenia Hotel. The next steps would be on how to maximize the use of this facility as well offer cash flow packages for serious small business entrepreneurs.

On Retirement Fund

An accrued liability of over $1B is so hard to swallow. As I was growing up, the government retirement plan was the way to go. Everyone wanted this security, the plan, the benefits, and the desire to live comfortably after serving your years of requirements have become the “Commonwealth Dream”. Today this dream has become the nightmare. There have been many talks on how to make this change from a liability to a profit generating agency that can be self-sustainable. Purchases in stock market to manage cash flow, but that’s a gamble, the new policies of a redefined class retirement plan, but that too still possesses the old class benefits if paid for to meet the required amounts, the increase in retirement contributions from employees today, but then again, will the fund survive? What will happen to the funds invested by each and every individual, and lastly the new DC plan, which is quite the same as a 40lK plan. There is also saying that “if it is not broken don’t change it? This is in reference to the 401K plan. Private companies use this form of retirement plan for their employees, it is merely the employees who decide THEIR contribution to THEIR pension.
I am sure there are many difficulties hindering movement with the fund, but with all due respect, it is the mere valued benefits that have sucked the funds dry over the years. These benefits include but are limited to the 20-30% increment bonuses, the double-dips when they were accepted, the allowance of the funds to transfer to adopted grandchildren or great grandchildren from those who have retired and have passed on.

These benefits are great for those families and individuals who are receiving it. It is not your fault that you are subjected to my topic, but again, I look at the Commonwealth and not on my very own interest.

On Commonwealth Ports Authority

The CPA had a qualified Executive Director walk out of its doors prior to his contract expiring on the basis of Board micro-managing. How shameful could this be? Has the Board forgotten what their fiduciary duties are to the agency and not that of controlling the very movement of day to day operations? I can see Former executive Director Camacho’s frustration, the Board is designed to regulate policies and procedures as well account for the expenditures of the agency at a certain level, but not to uphold the operation in the clasp of their hands. I recall several complaints about former chair Rex Palacios on how he was going to or has set up an office for his own at the ports. I find this quite odd. If he wanted that office, he should have applied for the Executive Director Position and not be a board member chair.

It is sad to see that the government through some agencies is moving as if they belong to an individual or group members of a board for personal gain or personal acknowledgment in power. Remember the Public Lands Board? Now that was ridiculous.

On New Investment for the Commonwealth

On and on again you hear about the sales of a green card in Asia if you set up a business here. Kilili addresses this as a concern, the government keeps a steady hand on the basis of nothing is done wrong as of yet.

However, we do not know exactly what is being said out their. A company would say “invest with us in the CNMI, $100K - $250K and YOU will GET a U.S. Green Card! Hmm, to me that is appealing if I so desire to have the green card. Yet under false pretense, this would have a negative connotation on the islands we call home, are we allowing outside influence to depict what the Spaniards call these lands many moons ago” Islas de los ladrones? Where is our national pride? In our current time, it is these foreign sharks that have a keen interest on making a quick buck by utilizing a rumor of green card opportunities in the CNMI.

The end result is, we are the ones who will be called the liars and thieves for sucking up the funds from the hard-working middle class citizens from other nations looking for their American Dream!

As I close out this post, there are so many other areas that have issues that could be addressed like our CHC, DPS, CAC, WAO, but I’ll save that for a later time. If we do practice and observe the American Proverb “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”? We may be more susceptible to being mindful of our actions.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Taking it all in!

Grrr.... finances, finances...I received a letter from the CNMI Tax and Revenue Office stating I am needed to come in and straighten out my 1040 submission.. Hmmm, I wonder why? I asked myself.

I was so curious at the same baffled by what is the problem with my tax submission. I drove up to the Tax & Rev Office, parked, took a deep breath, oh....bare in mind I am not receiving this year, but paying on chapter 2, the first time it happened to me. Anyhow, I went in, picked a number to be seen, when I was called, the attending woman says politely, "good afternoon, how may I help you sir?", I smiled in return and greeted her as well and I responded, I received this letter as I showed it to her, she took one look and said, "oh my, may I get your social security number?" I passed it along verbally and she typed it in, now I started to sweat, her comment gave me a scare. My thoughts on having to make another payment haunted me...She grinned for a moment as she went over the computer screen looking at what's the problem. My sweat continued to downpour from my head, to cheek and other parts of my heated body from the pent up feeling of anticipation.

She said "Mr. Pangelinan, I'm afraid you did not report on your interest received for the year, there are bank interest on a savings account as well your CNMI Retirement Fund interest", she commented. Ok, a sigh of relief. As she wrote down the amount, I came to realize that my RF amount is huge in interest and said to myself, oh my, am I to cover these cost again? How will I do this?

The thought of more hardship rattled my brain. She smiled as she gave me the documet wih the written amount on it, I looked at her in disbelief, I said thank you and walked away. By this time, everything is sinking in. My worries got the best of me and I was taking it all in, I feel like I am on my last string. Quite disturbing... Shoots, I did not ask whether I am to pay for all these? What would my wife feel about the debt I am about to share with her? Damn! I'm in another bind.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

COMMON-WEALTH? In the Biz...(rambling off)

The business climate in the CNMI is taking a downturn come the slow months of tourism ahead. An expected 33% drop in airline arrival seats would cause a severe impact on the Commonwealth. A wise man whom I respect said this to me, "In order for a business in the CNMI to remain in business is the need to capture 40% of their usual inventory, hence we can survive". The play of words in COMMONWEALTH, is in fact best defined of its use when considering the people in a community, in this form, I see it as COMMON-WEALTH for all and not anyone particular.

Hence wealth in common for all, it is not easily justified when not all are striving for the same. Meaning, how can each and every individual achieve wealth if they are not willing to make that needed change in lifestyle? Or take the steps to enriching knowledge through a proper education that in turn will be beneficial in the long run?

Not an easy to respond to, yet we are labeled by many businesses on island as EMO or EFO employees. In the biz of it all, we are facing Federalization. This has caused much of the mixed feelings I am hearing today. Where do investors go? what do they do? Visiting the DHS office on Saipan, their person in charge could not and will not provide an answer due to DHS lack of regulations that will be imposed in the COMMON-WEALTH. The workforce is in a state of confusion, with the labeled local workforce, businesses are forced to look at added cost to insure the transition of employees. I have witnessed many different behavior patterns, oh how I wish this was not true, but reality sets in. I have had numerous local employees in the past, some of which I can entrust responsibilities whereas majority would be the EMO/EFOs. Can a business afford for constant turnaround of employees? With the word "training", the OJT is a costly factor indeed should employees intervals be a major factor in any large or small business.

Then there is the upcoming election. A hundred plus vying for 41 positions, wow, I am ecstatic to see the movement for change, but to some degree it is also frightening that certain individuals running may not have the slightest idea of what the job entails. Now we the people are entrusting individuals with our very own lives, can we afford or even accord a candidate based on family ties and popularity alone? Time for real decisions to be made.

I am not a person who sees our older, experienced politicians as the old guards that need to be changed, but I do see some of them as refined and able to see past personal ventures for the good of the COMMON-WEALTH. There are those that will and can have their points addressed properly when in office as they speak for us.

I have had numerous encounters sitting and speaking with legislators on their views, since I am in business for myself, of course, I wonder where would a small business fit in to survive this inclement business climate. A few I truly admire for their service to the people and most whom I simply disregard.

I for one, believe in my father-in-law, he does not say much, but does a lot to compromise through his actions. I was shocked when I found out he does not draw down his salary for years and contributed to the scholarship program, where I am sure, my brothers (younger) have been recipients for many years fulfilling their educational aspirations. I am not here to address his campaign, but more or less my views on what I believe as I think is an asset to insuring our COMMON-WEALTH is what it stands for. Hi re-election is not an easy one, it is actually a daunting task and I know it is taking a toll on him. Nevertheless, he does not give up and nor should we on candidates who can make the necessary differences in our lives. At least in this post, I place my vote of confidence in my father-in-law Pete P. Reyes to help guide our young politicians should they get into office what are the core values of SERVING the people.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A taste of solitude

It was not long ago when I imagined my childhood upbringing. It was hard, difficulty at its best that one would endure. The essence of molding a young boy soon to be man at his young age had dreams, big dreams that may have been impossible to reach. As young as I was, I remember the lifestyle that enhanced my understanding of believing in yourself, the joy of accomplishment and the demise of torment. I've longed for peace at mind, I wanted a good taste of solitude.

Years have passed me by and yet I still see myself in this ever-changing world eager to challenge what comes my way. I push, struggle, defeat or get beaten by my very actions. The lessons that I thought I have learned have only been a phase of what's ahead and that one day, all will come back to test my patience, my understanding, my character, but now as a man.

Tonight, a night like every other night, I find myself in complete solitude. A calm serenity fills my heightened desire for peace. Favorable noises I've become accustomed to. A cooling sensation of an air conditioner keeping the room temperature just the way I want it. Stay like that...Keep me cool...Help me to relax... and so it has, I sink into the bed, fluff a pillow and shape it nicely where I can lay my head with comfort. Just a few sounds lingering in the background, yet soothing. I am in a solitude state of mind, I am experiencing solitude at its best.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Papago Fogged Up!

Almost a complete week of rain, pouring days and nights, the nights are chilly and moist, the grounds are all soft and mucky, the winds carry scents of ocean spray, but what astounded me most was the Papago Fog... I have not seen fog since my last visit to Oregon, although I believe I came out a little too late in the morning to see the actual thickness of it, but I still was enjoying the drive.

A nice drive in the tropical fogged up papago winding roads on Saipan...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Shame on ME!

Shame on me as the hours turned into days, and days turned into months, shame on me on the most cherished days of mothers, I did not deliver. I kept to myself, knowing full well that I did not make the best of that one day for who I love dearly.

My regrets are deep, but not forgotten...

My dear love Boni,

I hope that my inadvertent shortcomings have not made you feel unappreciated. I have something for you, it just took a little longer than the date it was originally set for, the perfect gifts are usually a waiting process, but in the end priceless. In this I carve a permanent place in our home, in your life and with this, I share more than what is expected...

Happy belated Mother's Day!

Yes, the process took longer for this gift of love and affection, I did not forget and worked diligently to make this a reality for you Boni. The ambiance will change, it's precision built for convenience, the usefulness made to express itself on it's own, I hope you will cherish this...

Loving you in more ways than you can imagine, I remain,

your husband

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Daddy's Pride

It was not until last night where I let go of what I held in for so long. I broke down in tears after a few hours of deep thought on how much I am missing with the raising of my children. I am distant and yet so near, but several factors hinder my presence with them.
I see what my father went through, I am living it and now I know the pain. This is no joy ride, this is reality. It struck me hard as I don't want to be without them, but that is something that I cannot undo. I am a dad, not just a father...

This explains my unexplained despondency once in a while. Yesterday, on Face Book I wrote, I am "trying to find solace and tranquility" and then after I "cannot understand"... It is the feeling
in me for days. As the first tear rolled down my face, a river followed. I watched videos of the children on my phone as they laughed and shared their true self, no hidden agenda, just them in their imperfect form. This was a weekend atop the hill at the American Memorial Park, where Donny, Hope, Jayvier, Wayannie and Wade rolled down the hill from where we placed a mat and a coolers with refreshments to enjoy. Such laughter and joy on that particular brought my heart to feeling the pain of where am I in their lives, where do I stand as their dad? My sister says "I am sorry, but that is something you will have to learn to endure, they know who their dad is and they know what truly happened".

The weekend nears and I get to see them for a few hours on Friday evening, at least the four. I will enjoy every minute of it, I will make the best of the limited time I will have with them. I hope this will cure my despondency. A daddy's pride is subject to being tested just like everything else, and yes I can say it is not easy living through this ordeal. I truly love my family, I love my wife, I just wished I had all of them everyday with me....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Trying to find solace and tranquility...

Help!!!! I see a difficult path ahead and yet I stumble each time I take a different turn. What's got into me? This is not me in the usual optimistic, smiling, happy go lucky kind of guy. I've been feeling tired, stressed, unwanting to endure a good time, what is it? Is it the weather? is it my diet? Is it just me, am I making this feeling up?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's been a while...Rambling off Now!

Yup, it's been a while since my last post, I've been busy, busy and so busy. What as happened that inspires me, well I must stop writing about speeding officers past me on the road as it occurred another 4 times since my last post on them, the job is hectic, yet rewarding when accomplishments are seen, life still throws curve balls, but definitely and indication that I am living and people around me...Let's go there for this post...PEOPLE.

The saying of six degrees of separation, how uncanny of this notion to be so true that when you least expect it, the person you knew through a friend is someone that will make or change the path you thought you were on, of course this sounds philosophical, yet if you really think about it, it is there and you don't always see it, bt it is there changing you, your movement, your path... What?? Do we live in the matrix? Well what is the matrix??? Let's not go there...

Back to PEOPLE, how do you see others around you? One person told me today, Wayne, you are too nice and yet people who see you for who you are treat you nice and then trample on you only because they think they can...I smiled and responded, Karma has it's ways...One day, when I find out of what had transpired, they will get theirs ten folds...I am patient and understanding, but push me far enough and I will let go of all that I know to be humble, yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, sure many would say whatever Wayne and that's only because I am different today. The people around me, the influence, the strength of positive actions lead to my being the way I am.

I like who I am, I like the people around me, they make or break you and its choices that lead us to how we wish to live our lives. Love your family, love your wife or hubby, what else would matter?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Who stands for the Commonwealth?

A family gathering took place yesterday as we celebrated my youngest daughters 5th year birthday as well my two Jr. High graduates. It was the perfect day for an outing at the beach, the wind blew gently and consistently, the water seemed mirror like only until the jet ski rider rips through the water creating ripples as far as one can see. It was this perfect where friends and family gathered and shared concerns on the upcoming guberatorial election, only reason this came us is the Juan/Galvin duo were adjacent to us as they prepared for their campaign party. "Who stands for the Commonwealth?" asked an individual..

The question lingered in my head, but as I continued to listen, the discussion took a turn, where all candidates are of equal status today and no indiference is seen amongst them, this would be a difficult choice for voters to make. Again, the question lingers, who stands for the Commonwealth? Our candidates make promises, some may be kept and some not and we cannot hold them to it if they do not meet the promises as expectations always depending on circumstances. The question asked for who will lead us, who will endure the painstaking decisions that could affect their constitutents in the name of keeping the Commonwealth alive. The question asks, which candidate will make a change for better and stop this non-sense hirings of friends and family who simply cannot fulfill their basic duties and repsonsibilities when given positions at the helm of critical government agencies, and offices.

When placing your vote this primary election as well the actual gubernatorial elections, set aside preference, set aside, the 'I Know him", set aside the promised jobs for family and friends, but set your expectations on who will stand for the Commonwealth!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Joke of the week - Mr. Postman...

It was Postman Pat's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same villages and towns.

When he arrived at the first house on his route, he was greeted by the whole family there, who all hugged and congratulated him and sent him on his way with a gift cheque for £50. At the second house they presented him an 18-carat gold watch. The folks at the third house handed him a bottle of 15-year old Scotch whisky. At the fourth house he was met at the door by a blonde in her lingerie. She took him by the arm and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where she gave him the most passionate love he had ever experienced. When he had had enough they went downstairs, where the blonde fixed him a full English breakfast: Bacon, eggs, beans, mushrooms, sausages & fried bread with freshly squeezed orange juice. When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming coffee. As she was pouring, he noticed a £5 note sticking out from under the cup's bottom edge.

"All this was just too wonderful for words," he said, "but what's the five quid for?"
"Well," said the blonde, "last night, I told my husband that today would be your last day and that we should do something special for you...I asked him what to give you". He said, "F***him. Give him a fiver."
She smiled shyly and said, "The breakfast was my idea."

Friday, June 12, 2009

Smiles from Bad Eyes!

This morning around 06:34am, I was outside and ready to head out for work when Boni slips out of the door dressed in ablack outfit. I thought to myself, wow, I have not seen her wear that before and it looked beautiful on her as I stood from a distance. I waited to comment on it as she walked closer and low and behold, it did look good on her except, it wasn't an outfit. Boy did my bad eyes make a great morning after I commented on it.

She was wearing a black slip silk robe that comes up just above her knees and without its waist tie, she had a hair clip pinned in the center to make it seem as if it were a fashion belt. From afar, it looked stunning on her and while she approached and I took a second look at what she wore, I smiled and commented stating exactly what I thought of the outfit as she came out from the house.

That was funny and yet sometimes having bad eyes could bring a smile and more at the right moments. Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

WE, the indigenous have a voice...

In 178 days from today, the Federal Government will take over the CNMI's labor and Immigration, hence head note 3(a) is gone, the Garment manufacturing tariff that allowed the CNMI to be competitive, now much more to be retracted on the covenant of our very own livelihood, Immigration which would put a halt to our tourism industry and jeopardize the way we live, the way we survive.  It appears that our old guards, our older politicians have served within their means, they have served to protect the people, the indigenous and visitors alike. Today, I worry that our experienced leaders have felt that they lost the battle, now I question, what happens to us?  The indigenous people of the CNMI who since 20-30 years ago, had no say on the matters of governing our land, our prosperity, our livelihood.   WE, the indigenous have a voice that WE whould exercise.

Today, we have a voice, we are in the mere 18 years to 40 who have not really shared our thoughts, our ways of handling issues.  I would like to state commendations to our young leaders such as Ray Yumul, Tina Sablan and Ralph Torres for being in the political Arena despite the challenges.  But is that enough? Our generation is faced with difficult choices.  Our generation will be the driving force for future islanders.  Should we sit idle and let this be where the Federal Government dictates our very lives by enforcing regulations that do not complement an economy for growth, but rather hinder the growth we need for ourselves and our children and their children.  The people who sit on the nation's capital stating that in the past 20 years, there has been Labor & Immigration abuse, fine, but was that our time?  No, it was not us, our generation has been listening to our elders, following orders and chores to maintain a home, guess what?  Our home is much larger than the four walls we sleep in, our home is the land we till, the waters we fish in, the community we engage with, the people who will be here until we take our last breath. 

You have heard numerous talk and spread of issues regarding how the U.S. handles their border, yet still 20 million are in the US illegally by crossing borders from Mexico and elsewhere. Then here they are looking at us?  Remotely isolated, a land mass of 48 square miles, where would they go? Where would they hide?  Is it really necessary to take over Immigration and Labor and cripple us from economic recovery? 

Ask yourselves these questions, I for one would love to spearhead a group, a mass group of people to make a standpoint on allowing OUR generation an opportunity to self governance. 

Sunday, May 31, 2009

"The bull and I"

May 27, 2009...Here was a day of precarious feelings, I had no reason to feel that way, but circumstances prior to the day had engulfed my senses.

A quick stare, a glance with utter detestation as I viewed the room and hallways. I hear voices echoing through the halls, no matter how distant, pressure waves hit my ear drums in all directions, they come as muffled noises where some could be made out clearly while others remain white noises. My bull stood beside me, intimidating the others, I sighed with relief and now knowing that my hands rest in the words of my bull in today's eventful yet stressing ordeal.

"I know these people" stated a well-respected individual as he looked upon us from his seat, I stared and smiled and nodded my head with a facial expression indicating acknowledgment. I felt as if I emanated a statement from my mind through my facial expression "yes, I know you too sir, please allow me to finish today"... My silent posture and direct eye contact could have sent that message across the room, it did, I was blissful.

Now I get to set things straight, I am tired of playing games, I am tired of games played against me, now I get to set things straight, again...

As my bull showed his strength in a calm, soothing, yet poignant display of selected words, I knew that the parasite and her carrier would have to conjur up something strong to go against it. Yes, I was relieved. The parasite backed off, her carrier realized he was on the pedestal for mockery. I am relieved in the system as my last ordeal left me belittled, confused, and upset in that the system failed me, but today, it left me with high spirits for that I had the opportunity to set things straight.

You see parasite, there will battles you may think you have won, but let alone, I will not allow myself to be taken by lies, deceit and by cruel intentions from diseases caused by such parasites. My bull and I will continue to set things right... Enjoy!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Joke of the Week!

One day Bill complained to his friend, "My elbow really hurts, I guess I should see a doctor."

His friend offered, "Don't do that. There's a computer at the drug store that can diagnose anything quicker an cheaper than a doctor. Simply put in a sample of your urine and the computer will diagnose your problem and tell you what you can do about it. It only costs $10."

Bill figured he had nothing to lose, so he filled a jar with a urine sample and went to the drug store. Finding the computer, he poured in the sample and deposited the $10. The computer started making some noise and various lights started flashing. After a brief pause out popped a small slip of paper on which was printed: You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water. Avoid heavy lifting. It will be better in two weeks.

Late that evening while thinking how amazing this new technology was and how it would change medical science forever, he began to wonder if this machine could be fooled. He decided to give it a try. He mixed together some tap water, a stool sample from his dog and urine samples from his wife and daughter. To top it off, he masturbated into the concoction.

He went back to the drug store, located the machine, poured in the sample and deposited the $10. The computer again made the usual noise and printed out the following message:

Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener. Your dog has worms. Get him vitamins. Your daughter is using cocaine. Put her in a rehabilitation clinic. Your wife is pregnant with twin girls. They aren't yours. Get a lawyer. And if you don't stop jerking off, your tennis elbow will never get better.

                                                                                                        - Contribution of: Alex Chessun - uk

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Never Knowing...

You never know what a few minutes ahead will lead you too, the results, the outcome;

You'll never know when the words you say could hinder everything you've worked so hard for only beacuse you feel that expressing yourself truthfully would be best;

You never know consequeunces from others as you cannot imagine what they are thinking;

You can never know what the future holds but can imagine what it could be;

Besides the never knowing, the thought of knowing your fate could be a scary one sometimes, but then again knowing could have you make the better choices.  If you had to choose, would you rather "never know" or "know" whats ahead and coming?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Walk to Remember...

Time is limited, time is precious, a short weekend with my children brought us together in a short bonding experience where this walk in the park made everything in the world possible in my heart and spirit.

The youngest of the eight rest atop my shoulders looking as if he is on top of the world, yet he is, his smile depicting the pleasure of excitement as we strolled the grassy field in search of termite colonies in trees.  This was a fascinating experience as I explained on what these creatures do, how they live and

survive, of course the attention span of my 4 year old determines it's time to see other things.

Treasured moments are all around us, we just need to feel it more freely and let it all come naturally.  I think as adults we fear too much on perception from others.  Today, I really don't care what people think of me, it is most important how my eight children see, love, and respect me as DAD!

Why Stay?

Why stay asked a friend last night from Korea.  He says, "there is so much more out there that I beleive you could be better off, with your capabilities, understanding and more importantly your drive to succeed...WHY STAY?"

It made me think of the hardship I have faced over the years on this rock in western Pacific hemisphere, the island we know as home.  I stopped to think about it, the question that is...Why is it that I am still here? Why haven't I considered the move earlier on.  Well, it's simple, as I smiled back at him and said, this is where I live, with the people I love, the island I adore, and eventually the place where I will be laid to rest... He looked back at me and nodded his head and said, "I admire that, you express love for your country and are doing everything necessary to support it's growth economically".

Sure, there are opportunities, and why not look at greener pastures for oneself, but in the end, everyone comes home.  Now I am blessed with a wife and eight loving children that make any bad day feel great.  This is my home, this is my life I chose for myself, these are my reasons for staying.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The A.L.L. When is enough - enough?

The tone of voices ramble through my head, I wonder whether I defended myself on what I believe in. I spoke of TRUTH, yet the lies and cheats of individuals ravage through the conversation that eventually caught the audience and made them believe I am at fault. The truth was buried. I wondered whether I was screwed once again and thought to myself, could people really be that selfish, greedy, insensitive.. Oh yes they can be and then I asked when is enough, enough?

I was in court today, and I could not believe what had happened but I'll save that for another post when it is all over. A feeling held me in a trance since the time I woke this morning. I felt a surge of uneasiness and could not bring myself to a calming stage. Aside from the day to day work related duties that need to be dealt with, I was engulfed with thoughts of preparing myself of what to expect. Yeah... that did the trick!

When your down and you are constantly feeling blows that won't stop, your mind races and brings you to a different mode. My mode was frustration, anguish, pain and also sorrow for the ones who show the interest of greed from my hard work and indulgence. Yes, I blame myself for this action upon me, it could have been avoided if I took the other step as was advised, but I did not and it led me to where I am today.

However, no regrets, I have learned a great deal of this ordeal and will establish myself even stronger for the next battle I am to entangle myself in. What would that be, next in line? Come forward and let's dance!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Culprit Behind the Swine Flu Movement

Hahahaha... Too funny!  A friend of mine sent me this photo that he has received from another.  What do you think?

Message: Hector Hernandez to Daniel to me...

"WHO is still searching where and when the outbreak may have started.  All kidding aside. Friends and family from Mexico have been walking on pins and needles.  People are encouraged not to leave their homes, avoid mass crowds in public places like parks, malls, restaurants, and even places of worship. For most attempting to get buy after a peso devaluation last October, and a looming decline in global sales, all agree times are tough"

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fuel Down, Commodoties on the Rise!

A few months back we complained about the rising of fuel causing everything to go up, or at least that was what we saw.  It gave every business a reason to raise prices despite old stock on shelves purchased before the rising of fuel, meaning, the cost on commodoties should not have risen on old stock, but they did as new shipment came in.  Granted it's business, but sometimes, as a consumer, I feel duped.

Well now, fuel prices have been steady, yet commodoties have not really gone down, overall there is still an 11% increase on food items and this was at the height of fuel cost.  Is this fair?


Political arena awe's another new candidate...

Vicky Guerrero expresses her interest in the political arena for the upcoming election in precint I.  As I understand, this is the precint that has many seats and therefore much competition.  At least this puts another young fresh mind to wit what our government is doing and where we are heading.  Not to say my friends and I say respectable friends on hill have not done the best they could, given the circumstances, but as many say, maybe it's time to see a shift, a change in political power and new faces, new ideas.   

Who knows, but I like what I see, more young, avid change seekers, vying for seats on the hill.  Good luck to Vicky and good luck to those who may want to get into the political arena!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Who says you can change what I wrote?!

I was sitting at a hearing today and to my surprise an individual who is against me looked at my document and started writing and crossing out my notes that I wrote for his following of what was happening.  I looked at him and said "what are you doing?", his response  was, "oh, just wanted to make sure I dont repeat myself..."  WTF!  I snapped and stated "next time be prepared and bring what ytou need and the next time, I will not be too nice", I stressed.

Sometimes you wonder and its a day like today where I thought, do most people do this? and then I remembered my other occassions...Wait! What other occassions...hahahaha.  I guess there's a first for everything.  What would you do?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Could it be?

In the islands, the idiom of such a place like this little string of pine tree leaf cave is what we grew up to know as the home of a dwarf... Looks creepy especially at night where a flashlight's beam is all you see in front of you natural sounds of animal species in their habitat make their calling noises. You use your imagination and all the horrific tales from the past come to reality.
Hmm. Brings back memories of old folk tales told to us as young children for adults to have a great laugh!!! Hahahahaha... Now I am laughing sharing the same tales.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gotta love weekends!

If your like me, then as the weekend approaches, a plan must be in place, check. The plan must have something that kids enjoy, check. Create an experience for everyone, check. Save some time and energy for the wife, double check!!! Gotta love the weekends.
For family fun and enjoyment, sometimes creating dinner with all hands on deck is all you need, the feast of love as each member of the family carefully take their roles seriously. This evening, we had decided at the last hour (3:27pm) to have a BBQ dinner. Time and sunlight is not in our favor and if it was just for the wife and I to cater to hungry children all by ourselves, I don't think we would have made it on time.

This dinner engagement with the family opened up a new perspective in family respect and coherence. As we started to prepare dinner, the marination, the veggies that needed to be chopped, the grill to be cleaned, the drinks to be prepared and chilled, the achote (red rice) to soak, to my surprise, all hands came to the rescue. The effort put in motion created this ambiance of content upon me and the people who I adore and love completely. Although, the other four children could not be with us, I am sure that they were in minds of everyone on the dinner table.

As dinner progressed, I thanked the family for their asssistance to making such a wonderful dinner, we were in all smiles, each said their own thanks for a wonderful meal in front of their hungry eyes. I loved this weekend and will love more as we build the fond memories of this life Boni and I choose for one another.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A.L.L. - Being humble sometimes gets the best of you...

My sharing of this post really lies in the very aspects of human nature. In many occasions, when people in need ask for assistance and you humbly offer your services, your money, your time and property, often times you get burnt.

Being a person who can help is the virtue of a good heart, what about those that keep on taking and not give back? What do you call them. I raise this issue as during the economic restoration summit hosted by CDA, a fellow who I met maybe once or twice in my life came up to me in need of assistance. Of course being the nice guy, I opted to help him out. His daughter who is coming to see him needed her allowance for school that morning, apparently he left his wallet at home and did not realize it until later. As I was walking by, he stopped me and said "do I know you?" My reply was simple, yes, we met several times. At that moment he states he is in a bind and asked for some assistance and I was gullible. OK, I agreed as he said he would return what is owed at the function. Well stupid me! I was not able to see him again after that. Boy was I conned and did not expect it. Ughhh the nerve of some people, however if and when I do find this person, I will ensure he remembers me...Ahem... for sure he will....

In any rate, it was my fault, the goodness to help and being humble got the best of me... That was truly Another Lessoned Learned.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

You Tell Me!

This is interesting... I am behind a police vehicle on Saturday Morning about 10:40am in San Vicente. This vehicle with plates 39-38 as I recall was traveling north bound.

What amazed me was as I continued to follow the vehicle, it sped up to probably 60 mph. Take a look at my speedometer, it is already a little past 40 mph. The vehicle in front is the same police vehicle... Isn't this wonderful, they are truly leading by example. Take note as well, I was speeding too, i guess because I can??? You tell me...hahahaha

Fascinating yet mysterious in it's own right...

Remember the days when you would sit and enjoy a slightly horror to the horror-horrific film. The creaking noises, the sound of a bird gawking as it flies past, the simple yet intricate background music having you grip your seat in suspense, and there you have a picturesque image of an old moss-filled, leafless tree depicting death or slow dying insisting the creepiness of it?... hahahaha... I love it, I wonder how the new movie "a haunting in Connecticut" is going? does that sound all to familiar? I am a fan of horror at its best, what a trip to see these horrifying events actually happen on the big screen, as they say it is based on a true story.

Here is our tree at home, this is Boni's favorite tree despite its image portraying no life, death-by-death imagery, the horror of dying and knowing it is upon y0u, but look closely, it possesses such pristine beauty in itself. At first, I did not think of it that way, but after a while, I've grown to enjoy this and with it's all intent purposes of how it has become an attribute to the property. This thorn in the rose bush, a diamond in the rough, has now captured my fascination, but solely expresses is mysteriousness....tch tch tch hha hha hha...

Share a tree, a bush, something that expresses a hidden treasure. Find it's hidden beauty disguised by many factors that one must look beyond to see it and appreciate it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Changing Ways!

It has been over a month since I last wrote a post.  My life has  taken a change of path.  Since I met Boni, she has shown me another way of life, so to speak another way to breathe in metaphor.  I am blessed and thankful for the presence and gift of such progress from last that I saw myself in turmoil.

It was March 11, 2009, where Boni and I wedded in Bali, Indonesia. We shared our vows and both know the values of the covenant of marriage and we take it seriously.  Truly an experience that will stay with me until my time on this earth is ended.

After the Bali trip, we headed out to the mainland US to visit my family. It was nice to introduce Boni to my father, sister and brothers who reside in Portland, Oregon and Walla Walla (Where?), Washington.  It has been years since I have seen them and was such great fun.  However, I was not able to see my mother and sister who resides in California and Vegas respectively.

Time went by so fast, time was limited, but enjoyable.  If I could turn back time, I'd do it exactly as it is.   I apologize for not updating and will get in the swing of things again.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tax Breaks, Exemptions, Incentives....Who Should Avail of These?

The CNMI, in its worst economic situation faces many more challenges ahead. Gubernatorial elections coming up as this is yet another year expected to change the face of the CNMI with hopeful slogans, campaigns, platforms and missions to drive the economy back to where we feel stable enough to sustain.

The tax schemes offered to foreign investors are no doubt needed to entice them to come in. No doubt our islands do not offer much and given its remote locale in the Western Pacific, it makes it more difficult for investors to see their profits soar here with the inclement busines environment bestowed on us through global economic change.  However, I ask, who truly deserves these tax scheme incentives? Ok, over the last few years we have had the Qualifying Certificate applied to;

1. Hard Rock cafe
2. Saipan World Resort
3. Kumho Asiana

These are at least the three I can remember, there may be more, but I don't have that information readily available.  Catching these investors on our incentive is fine, I am not one to complain as I too use these benefits to help lure new business.

Now, we have these businesses on the tax scheme incentive, what other companies do you think should avail of these services. Personally,I think corporations that look at protecting our environment. We are now in an era where we must look at our natural resources, our land, our sea, our take for granted environment we abuse everyday.

I think recycling corporations should have some relief. Our newly constructed landfill in Marpi, supposedly a 25 years lifespan, possibly now cut by 10 years...Why? We built a transfer station to segregate the islands trash. Personal dumping by citizens or by refuse companies use to go and use the facility, if this stayed on course, we could see our 25 years landfill, but no, not now,, refuse companies are going directly tot he landfill without the segregation of trash, skip out on the transfer station and dump directly, thus cutting our landfill lifespan by at least 10 years.

The point is, if we allowed refuse corporation to take out recyclable materials and ship it out of our islands to be reused by the world, we are doing everyone here a favor. Our landfill lives its full lifetime, our people become more conscious about their trash, our islands maintain its beauty, hence the flourishing of once our hopeful tourism industry. Of course no one wants another Garapan incident where the landfill burnt up and out of control leaving a pungent stenching smell for our tourist, to me, that was embarrassing and it is a health hazard.

This is a community affair and not an individual, I share my views on this only to see how many more refuse companies would actually take the offer should the government allow them these tax breaks. Recycling education is needed to ensure the success of a recyclable program for the CNMI.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The A.L.L. - V-Day

Another Lesson Learned (A.L.L.) brings to mind the joyous and heartwarming experience of how V-days can actually be less costly, and more memorable. "This is where the true dinner is, whereas, amateurs are out trying to wine and dine their love ones" stated an individual last night...I laughed with glee knowing that those words could actually be so true in some ways.

My A.L.L. are built on sentiments of creativity and togetherness. Simple yet elegantly describe by fellow friends who have not experienced simplicity at it's best. Laughter, smiles, warm kisses, hugs, a nice bottle wine, some finger foods (healthy ones), great company all make the difference in making a memorable V-day. The lesson learned here is that if you place enough time to think about the way you want to spend V-day, then you may just find alternative means that are worth more than the 5-course dinner meal packages ranging at high prices, I do not say these are not good packages, but given the economy, the scarce of jobs and money opportunities, sometimes the simple things in life are valued higher than the conventional V-day activities commonly heard off, purchased and utilized by the majority.

This V-day experience is in my memory bank to ensuring that the month of February is no longer a dull month...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

NO One is above the LAW....

You have probably heard this numerous times before by politicians, enforcement officers, community guidance counselors, your parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, co-workers and anyone else who understands norms, laws, regulations, rules, etc, say "no one is above the law".

Well, I was driving on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 around 08:22 am enroute to a meeting coming from Saipan's As Terlaje Hill heading down when two police vehicles sped right past me as if they were road racing.  It didn't bother me as I accelerated to maintain speed they were running as I thought, hmmm, if they can do it, I know they will not pull me over, I can save time on the road and get to my destination earlier.  Come to realize they were at speeds far beyond the speed limitation on that street.  Viewing my speedometer, taking the picture, trying to catch up to get that better shot, I realized they were traveling at a speed over 65 mph.  Swerving left to right and right to left with hardly using breaks, road racing, I thought...huh? Cops?

Yet, when they are on their feild day of issuing speeding tickets utilizing the lazer, even 1 mph over the allowable speed, guess what "your ticketed, your tagged, your paying a fine"... Now because they where the badge, are they allowed to do this?  A few years back, one officer was filling his bureau vehicle at a station where I too was filling at the time.  As he got his fill and left to get out on the road, he peeled off rubber intentionally to leave blackened, stenched smell of burning rubber behind him, and carelessly handling the vehicle at a take off speed that could have resulted in an accident if someone or something was ahead of him.  I thought to myself, yeah, young cop, just flexing his muscles....Disgusted and irritated by such actions, I tried not to think of it again.
Aha, I thought on that Tuesday morning, DPS recently had new recruits, new officers on the beat, young officers ready to make a name for themselves as law enforcement officers, but then again, they sped right by me and others causing a scene to be simply, "all other motorist are welcome to do as I do,"...They are the law, but they break it anayways, so why not you, why not me, why not every other civilian?

My images came a little late on the very fact that I was trying to drive safe at a maintained speed of over 65 mph, taking the camera out, taking the shot.  A few shots I have did not come out right, but these did, but by this time approaching the traffic, they started to slow down and I was able to catch up!

Feeling like a Champ!

Superbowl excitement was in the air, my brothers in Seattle and Oregon was at their feet knowing that for many years I supported the STEELERS, rallied on my behalf.  As the Steelers took the AFC and went on to clinch the Superbowl in 2009, they were ecstatic to share the news, calling me the very day expressing congratulatory news as if I was in the game myself.. It was very funny, but they knew my passion for the team as I stuck with them throughout the years.

In return they thought as a gesture they send me a token memoribillia of the official wear of the Steelers,  Now I can truly say I am in the game.. supporting at!

Thanks Ryan and Gerry for this wonderful gift!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Island Resort Turning Ghost Town?

These type of signs not allowed!

Saipan, Tinian and Rota, suffering the demise of being remotely isolated from population is undertaking tremendous hardship.  I say no more of Tinian and Rota who are suffering horridly, while Saipan, continues with its progress of completing the Island chain of Ghosts!!

With recent regulations and enforcement of Zoning advising store owners to remove signs that do not meet standard, I have a question on that.  Although the regulations are useful to streamlining or standardizing look and feel, I question the fact of how to market new products in the store if temp signs, or window advertisements are not allowed.

How about road side vendors? Literally they still use cardboard boxes as signs indicating the products they sell from their truck, what about the Fishermen in San Jose, do they have to remove the fish names that they have available, because you cannot market the product, so you mean to say ,  no more tuna signs and other type of fish signs indicating its available. The island looks bare without advertisements. Businesses cannot market their product, why are we prohibiting this? If anything should be done, it should be enforced to make it better design wise other than the shabby look currently seen in some business establishments.

Take for example the tinted window display or advertisements, these are made from quality material but yet it is banned? These are the Coca-Cola window film and other products.  I don't understand, our island resort to become a dead ghost town should more close out sales be more apparent as business is difficult in the islands.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

CNMI --- For better or Worse

I've had opportunities to move away from the CNMI, a job waiting 10,000 miles away from the place we call home.  I've chosen to stay on the basis of supporting our islands growth, the need for intervention, the need for dreams to make this island beauty attractive for generations to come, I am here for better or worse...

Recent findings on the federalization issue prompted me to write this post.  I fear some would disagree and may be offended by such comments on their job security, but I ask that you keep an open mind about what the true picture is that is slowly redeeming itself upon us. As of todays paper (January 22, 2009), there is an article about the Visa Waiver Program, for short we will call it "VWP".  It now states that after June 1, 2009, all those holding legitimate IR Visa, Work Permit Visa, Investment Permit Visas, etc, have no use nor any value.  Should you leave the CNMI after June 1, 2009, you may re-enter as a tourist, but not of business status that you are commonly using today.

The good, it will weed out the fly-by night operators, the bad, it poses a threat to future investment and business closure due to the difficulty in doing business in the CNMI.  I am quite concerned about this issue, I have foreign partners and there is no way they will succumb to being ill-treated in this manner especially after investing over 3.5 million into the CNMI.  

Another article today mentioned about President Obama holding all new Federal Regulations that have not been posted yet in the registrar.  This could work towards our benefit but only for a short period of time (180 days?).  What's next? I attended a meeting todayb that discussed that very issue, our letters of concern, our point we made as a community was not really heard, and I enjoyed the discusion I had today on "humanizing the effects" of the Federalization implementation.  Take a look at what the circumstances are;

1. Businesses and its senior management are already contemplating or have done pay cuts to keep business going;
2. Further cuts are imposed on the employees themselves or face closure;
3. With the Immigration federalization, we are to lose our workforce continued with the dwindling population; 
4. Loss of jobs and other money making income for the workforce, where will they go? How will they survive?

How is this possible? How are we to survive or find economic solvency?

On the humanizing effect, it is imperative that we all understand where this is headed and what is there to expect, as far as most people were concerned, they say, "not to worry, this is for the better"....Really?  Think about this, there will be more loss of jobs, no work to be found, business closures, less tax in coffers, etc.  The only ones who don't realy feel the pinch are the secured government workers, even with an austerity Friday, if they receive $600.00 this week, two weeks later they will still see their $600.00 again, not much would care about this issue as security is on their side, but in the private, it's horrible...You worry, you try to be resilient, but impossible today, the effects causes so much hardship in this business climate that already some are thinking to pack up and leave, businesses I mean.  Can the CNMI survive with these new regulations?

I humbly ask for everyone to understand the effects, where do you see yourself in a year from now?  I think we should all express ourselves in writing to the new President Obama via our channel, our delegate, our hope for better change and support, Mr. Kilili.  Why wait, send it in!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snail Mail Values

The conventional way of mail these days are through the internet, email, FB, Chats, My Space and more.  The mail received through technology is so common that it does not possess a true value.  I did not realize this until I received two letters via snail mail (post office), they were from my parents.  As I read it, I saw the personalized handwriting, felt their comfort in their effort to write and send it, I believe snail mails still has the edge over conventional electronic mails these days. Of course, this is my opinion, share your thoghts on this...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


With the inauguration of our new President Barack Obama, he brings hope to an era of needed change in the US and its surrounding territories and insular areas.  

Being hopeful for change that will provoide for everyone is the ultimate movement he can make for his time as President, of course aside from ridding the War in Iraq.  Our new Superman, an icon, an image, a hero as most of us would remember we want to be at one point in our lives, who better else to concede the name Superman, now against the world in all political affairs, he could either make us or break us, which is it?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

There's more at stake...

In the Marianas Variety today, an article published by Junhan B. Todeno wrote on the issues for FAS citizens married to foreigners, now Immediate Relative (IR) status to FAS citizens on whether the NMI immigration will look into their fate with the U.S. Federalization movement.

A few online comments indicated heinous remarks on telling these people to leave.  No doubt we have been affected in more ways than the medical treatment benefits, the foos stamp programs, dental benefits, medicare, housing, etc. in general, but here is another way of looking at heir presence in the islands.  I stress this post on the basis of current economical conditions today.

There is more at stake here than meets the eye. The fact remains is some of these individuals contribute back to our ailing economy through their taxes aside from the labeling of being troubled people. One of the biggest problems the CNMI faces with economic recovery is population, where there is a thriving population, there is opportunity for economic growth, opportunity for selecting the best and qualified individuals for positions at workplaces. If our population dwindles down to a mere 40K, we will surely see a more deprived and worsened CNMI. Can we deal with this?  As a native to the island, can you see where this would be if it does happen, the extraction of people from the islands.  I heard that a rough number of 2,000 native NMI peoples have already left island for greener pastures.  Our brain drain, funny, I too thought about this very seriously, and I still think of it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A.L.L. - Cognitive Dysfunction

A new post for A.L.L. (Another Lesson Learned), but todays post reflects the symptom of cognitive dysfunction.. huh? WTF? 

Yup, for several days I have been feeling groggy, tired, beat up, stressed, why? I asked myself... The effects of sleep inertia.  For the past few nights, the lack of sleep has caught up to me each day making me feel dysfunctional in many ways.  Well, no one to blame but myself, great DVD movies in play, nice wine or beer for relaxation, cuddle and talk with the wife to be on an array of topics, all this keeping me up later than usual is now taking its toll.  The A.L.L. recommendation - GET more sleep! 

Monday, January 12, 2009

For over 20 years, I have been a fan of the Pitsburgh Steelers.  Today, a game was played against the San Diego Chargers.  A victorius win to place the Steelers for the AFC Championship game against the Baltimore Ravens.  

Steelers defense is solid, they performed extremely well today and made sure that they dominated on the field.  The Chargers, we thank them for coming out!  It was a good game, but ultimately, the Steelers were just a more overpowering team.

What do I expect for the Steelers against the Ravens, no doubt Steelers are going to whoop butt! Predictions anyone? I believe the Steelers will once again make the superbowl and give us Steelers fans another victorius season...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The A.L.L. Factor - Starting 2009!

Ok guys, I know Christmas is done and over with, but I would like to share something I've learned NOT TO DO this year in 2009. Another Lesson Learned (A.L.L.)!

Well the story goes, I was contemplating on what gift to get Boni for Christmas. So I studied her needs, her expressive frustrations on what she does not have and would like to have. With doing so, I purchased a coffee maker, I mean hey we guys are practical. S I was extremelu proud of my gift for her as day and day out, she would say "I want coffee" and leave a sad face knowing she would not have it that very moment. I honestly believed I got he perfect gift until some advice comin from a very conservave, but understanding person told me, "Cristmas gifts for a woman, should never be an appliance", shoots, I panicked! I got the wrong gift....Ahhhhhhh!

Once again, I was back on the drawing board. What gift to get? What do you give someone smething that she may not need at the moment, but would want to treasure...Jewelry, feminine beauty products, oh man this was going to be an ordeal for sure.

I did find something fo value both direcly an indirectly, something in which I know she will appreciate and look back knowing it came from me. Just so we guys do not make the mistake I did, plan ahead. Study your woman and be prepared for 2009's Valentine's, their birthdays, Mother's day (if mothers already) and Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Friday, January 2, 2009

General Elections in 2009!

The General Election is coming up in 2009! The ticket is staging itself to be vast where parties start to rally their candidates. The Republicans, the Democrats, the Independant, and the Covenant.

Will Governor Fitial run again, will Tim remain his running mate?

Congressman, former Lt. Governor Diego Benavente announces his bid for Gubernatorial candiacy for the Republican party.  I've heard rumors on the possibility of other persons who express interest or by people who feel they should run and are encouraging them.

What are true of these individuals?  Will they run?  Do you have more on your list of possibilities for Governor?

1. Diego Benavente - Confirmed Candidacy
2. Heinz Hohschneider
3. David Apatang
4. Joe Ayuyu
5. Luis Crisostimo
6. Ramon Guerrero
7. Benigno Fitial - Incumbent

These are names that have popped up in conversations about the Gubernatorial race for 2009.

Starting off New!

As most of you would say, it's a new year, start off fresh and make the best of 2009.  Always easier said than done...Life has it's way of throwing major curve balls at you when you least expect it.  A new years resolution..hmmm, I've decided not to have one.  I think when establishing such resolutions, they must be tangible and something that you will be passionate enough to carry forward.  I know it is not easy to fulfill a resolution for yourself, again given the curve balls.

This year I plan to write more posts on my blog on issues concerning life, the island issues, global attrocities or things that impact us, great experiences and more than would inspire me...

2008 flashback

This blog of mine was really a test case.  I kept a written journal, but this is much better. I am not ashamed to share my thoughts and be critiqued when my opinions are different, this is who I am and so far what I enjoy.

Starting off on my blog.  It was in June 2008 when I first opened this blog. Of course I am still fairly new to it, it was Hope, my daughter who helped me establish this blog.  I was completely and utterly clueless on what to do.  Thanks Hopey for helping me, I truly appreciate it!

I went on random issues trying to find my bearing and wrote on what I wanted to with no barriers.  I may have made people upset, but these are all my opinion on various issues, my life stories, my demises, my future, my progress...

Today, I like what I see, I have online journal with photos, stories that I can hold on to, share later, and look back upon what I had to go through.  It is addictive!

$7M Shortfall - TP Administration Facing Cuts

Its not rocket-science to know that a government looms with a budget shortfall. It happens with every administration and the Torres-Palaci...