Tuesday, October 28, 2008

8 Reasons to Smile!

It is hard not to think about why we wake each morning.  The drive and motivation to push yourself despite the fatigue and body pains experiencing from the day before.  Let us give our eight (8) reasons why we sacrifice everything that we are...

The boys, as cool as they are from left, Tony, Jay and Don...

Beautiful Hope as she poses for herself...

Smiles and funny faces from the little princesses, Peyton and Wayannie...

Little Sommer, should I be a drummer?

Tadah! the youngest of them all Wade...

Simply beautiful, our eight (8) reasons to keep on moving!


Bon said...

We're blessed beyond reason. I grew up with my dad's ten brothers and sisters and loved it. The laughter I hear is the same when our bunch is together. Martin Luther King Jr. said "how can there be too many children? that's like saying there are too many flowers." I agree.

Grassy said...

beautiful reasons!

♥pangigi© said...

oh man, how beautiful. All the children, how amazing. it's like the brady bunch! I miss'em and wish that we lived right around the corner so that i could still roller blade with them. they're all so grown.

Hee Jae said...

You have 4 more to go. Cheaper by Dozen!

plumeria*girl said...

Your reasons are the PERFECT REASONS to smile :)

minako said...

beautiful family...extraordinary parents...blessed you are indeed...treasure these moments...

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