Friday, September 24, 2010

Giving up is not my forte'

Born to this world 35 years ago. I've had numerous challenges and continue to do today. Yet, I am not ready to call it quits in self-employment. Giving up is not my forte' in many aspects of this life I heed. Accepting the challenges and frustration that come with living a lifestyle here in the Marianas has made me look at why most people residing in the Commonwealth see it easier to be employed by the government or other private businesses.

The headaches, the turmoil, the stress of wondering whether you will meet your payables is a constant wear on your mind. It's that tightening of the cap that does not seem to come off and when it does, its only for that brief moment. Even though its like this, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Nevertheless, the challenges that are always looming never go away.

I am inspired by my wife to succeed in what I do and that keeps me going. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably buckle and call it quits, but nope not yet. despite the hardship faced with running a business in an economy that is not so forgiving, I will not let up.  I hope that my brother decides to make it out here to help me out. I am sure that with him on my side along with the support of my wife, we can pull this off.

Today is about diversification. I am doing what is necessary to make this change to survive. I hope and pray it works to my advantage... Wish me luck!

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