Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A.L.L. - Cognitive Dysfunction

A new post for A.L.L. (Another Lesson Learned), but todays post reflects the symptom of cognitive dysfunction.. huh? WTF? 

Yup, for several days I have been feeling groggy, tired, beat up, stressed, why? I asked myself... The effects of sleep inertia.  For the past few nights, the lack of sleep has caught up to me each day making me feel dysfunctional in many ways.  Well, no one to blame but myself, great DVD movies in play, nice wine or beer for relaxation, cuddle and talk with the wife to be on an array of topics, all this keeping me up later than usual is now taking its toll.  The A.L.L. recommendation - GET more sleep! 


Paguroidea said...

I have insomnia. I'd recommend really kick ass Pohnpeian sakau.

plumeria*girl said...

I know what you mean! You would think I have more free time being "retired" and all, but I'm still up like the early birds and still sleep late UGH! Old habits die hard ;)

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